
First Meeting FACE-TO-FACE in Barcelona!

From 26th to 28th July 2021, the first face-to-face meeting of the research partners from the six participating institutions from five countries (Spain, Austria, Portugal, Germany, Republic of Nord Macedonia) took place in Barcelona. For the last eight months, our cooperation in the research project took place exclusively in the form of virtual meetings. The purpose of the meeting was mainly to analyze the final results of WP2 "analysis training needs on art and inclusion" that has been carried out during the first semester of 2021; together with the description of the work to be carried out in the coming months regarding WP3 "analysis of social inclusion in museums for people with disabilities", as well as to analyze the follow-up of WP1 "management", WP6 "dissemination", WP7 "Quality".

inartdis kick off meeting

Kick-off meeting

INARTdis project has begun!!!! The purpose of INART-dis project is to bring art and culture closer to students with disabilities in order to develop social inclusion through artistic creation spaces to facilitate inclusion processes. Here is the Kick-off meeting held on 21st december, 2020. The first meeting has been carried out in virtual format due to the pandemic situation. The meeting was attended by all consortium partners which are Lisbon Polytechnic Institute (Portugal), University College of Teacher Education Styria (Austria), Association for Promotion of Education, Culture and Sport “Education for All” Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia), University of Cantabria (Spain), Thikwa Werkstatt für Theater und Kunst of Nordberliner Werkgemeinschaft (Berlin, Germany) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).

equipo cersin

Evento 1

Este evento se realizó durante el mes de enero, con la participacion masiva.

equipo cersin

Evento 1

Este evento se realizó durante el mes de enero, con la participacion masiva.

equipo cersin

Evento 1

Este evento se realizó durante el mes de enero, con la participacion masiva.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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